(Interview with President Than Naing)Q: How did you become "President Than Naing"?
A: Long time before happening to become "President Than Naing" of Burma, I was a monk. I met my spouse when I was wandering to collect my alms... and we fell in love each other. Then, we married after I converted to become a layman. You know... she is the owner of "President Company" that solely distritutes the monks' requisites.
Being a husband of the owner of "President Company", I was dubbed as "President Than Naing" by my customers. That's my story.
Q: Do you think who will be the future president of Burma after 2010 elections?
A: I see no body. "President" is the trademark of my company and I am "President Than Naing". It will be impossible for others to be called like that.
Moreover, in the article 59 of the constitution of Burma (2008), it is clearly stated as follows.
Qualifications of the President and Vice-Presidents:
-(b) shall be a citizen of Myanmar (Burma) who was born of both parents who were born in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Union and being Myanmar Nationals (Burmese);....
If you observe the article 59, you will find that no one is qualified to become the president of Burma including Sr Gen Than Shwe and current PM Thein Sein. You know, Union of Myanmar (Burma) was established only on the 4th January 1948. Before that, this land was the British territory. Therefore, parents of the presidential candidates were, of course, born inside the British territory- not inside the Union of Burma's territory. As they were not born inside the territory of the Union, it is utterly impossible for them to become the presidents of Burma. I see like that.
2008 Burma's Constitution (page.19)
See Also: Than Shwe Chooses Next President - Himself http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=20528